Thursday, March 17, 2011

4 months old.

our lil' miss turned 4 months last friday.


time is such a mixture of whizzing all around me while at the same time standing completely still these days. what an oxymoron, right? i don't think you can ever fully understand that until you have kiddos. and the days & nights seem sooooo long but then one day you wake up and realize that they're smiling back at you. then laughing. then reaching for toys then crawling.... and so on and so on.

no. charlotte isn't walking. in fact, she's not rolling either. but i think it's partly my fault.

honestly, i like that she's not 'mobile' yet. so i don't really 'encourage' her like i did with brady. i love that she likes to sit and cuddle with us. she's definitely a CUDDLER. and i want it to stay that way. i know she'll 'grow up' eventually. i ain't worried. plus, she's perfectly content reaching for the toys on her playmat. and sitting in her bouncy... she's VERY low-maintenence. especially compared to the 'almost 3-yr old' at our house.

she's so.sweet. that's the best way to describe her. 

keep it up, sweet charlotte.

she's exclusively on formula now. no b*milk left in the freezer. {she nursed like a champ. she was great. it wasn't her, it was me. i felt... 'smothered'... if that's at all how i could describe it. i lasted a little less than 2 months. and i'm just fine with that. brady was all-formula and he's in great shape. and likes me just fine... so, there. if you're a nursing mom... MORE.POWER.TO.YOU!! you are amazing. seriously. i know it's not easy... even for the easy babies! keep it up!}she's taking about 6 ounces 5 times a day. and sleeping from 8-7. most nights. praise the lord! 

on that note - i wish i could say it's making me feel like a new person. but it's not. why? because now i'm the one not sleeping. i've even enlisted the aid of tylenol p.m. for the last week - and it worked ONE night. {out of 7}. 

i don't know what's wrong. i can't seem to turn the world off when i lay down. no matter how hard i try.

and i'm seriously a walking zombie. like... all.the.time. and i'm irritable. ugh. not fun. for anyone... especially my husband. and i find myself counting down the MINUTES to nap time. i lay down for a nap... exhausted. and i can't sleep then either. any suggestions?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Post partum thyroiditis. Call me.

Also... You kids are SO your sweet baby.