Monday, March 28, 2011

week {or two} in review.

do you ever have monday mornings when you miss your hubby so much it hurts? after spending the weekend together, you feel like you never even had a moment together?

i do. today's that day. i miss the hubbs.

sad the weekend is over.

but so glad for a fresh start this week!!!

last week was a whole bunch of sickies over here.

and temper tantrums.

and shots.

but it's all good. we're all healthy now. and i'm thankful for my little muffins.

last saturday we we to the opening FC DALLAS game.

the mccords got b. this little jersey for his birthday. so cute.

he loved the game.

this one got her four months shots on thursday.

she weighs 12 pounds & 14 1/2 oz. almost 13 pounds!!! she's doing great.

i moved her to a 4 hour schedule on friday. i prayed hard about it before doing it. i don't know why it stressed me out so much, it never did with brady. but she's been doing GREAT. she had been so bored eating, and with this change now, she's eating & sleeping a lot better.

and she tried out her exersaucer for the first time. and loved it. i remember b. loving these little rolly things. it's the first thing she went for!!!

thursday was western day at school.   {and miss rachel's last day. boo...}

brady had such fun.

we watched the nascar race yesterday. it was an amazing finish. 

if you don't watch nascar, you should.

it's our first year to really watch. it's awesome. 
{thanks, terri!}

happy monday to all.

1 comment:

Mel Miro said...

I can't wait to see you and those precious munchkins on Saturday!

P.S. Yay Kevin Harvick! (he's from my hometown)