Tuesday, March 15, 2011

baseball, mom.

last week, i had an interesting conversation with my little boy.

"i play baseball when i grow up, mom."

"i think that's a great idea, sweetie. when will you grow up?"

"when i'm five."

"five, huh?"

"i two now. {very serious.} almost three."

"that's right, baby. you're almost three."

"i be three on my birthday party. and i eat cake."


"i play baseball, mom."

he's VERY serious about his baseball. 

so when sweet sarah asked us to come to her hubby's baseball tourney {he coaches our local high school} we, of course, JUMPED at the idea.

brady had.a.blast.

after the game was over, coach sherman {sarah's husband} was dragging the field.

in a big green tractor. 

can you say heaven for my little boy?

baseball + friends + a tractor? it's almost too much!! 

i'm surprised he didn't hyperventilate!!

his wind up:

apparently, {according to the hubbs}, he throws left & bats right.

and that's supposed to be extremely valuable.

right. i can already tell where my hubby's head is at.

and i think i like it.

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