Sunday, March 13, 2011

away. part deux.

so. i finished our vacation pictures. {woot! woot!}

and there are a LOT.

if you missed the first part of our mommy & daddy only vacay, click here.

okay - onto part two.

sunday morning, we were lazy. {after our night out two-steppin' we deserved it!}

we slept in. drank two cups of coffee in our room then two on our patio. reading books. while the church bells rang in the distance. we felt like we were in another world. ahh..... i can hear them now.

then we ate 'brunch' at the peach tree.

such a ladies-that-lunch kinda place, and my hubby was nice enough to endulge me.

but he got this as a reward:

they're infamous ICE CREAM PIE.

i bought the cookbook just.for.this.

chocolate covered cornflake crust. yummmmy.

then we headed out to becker.

it was beautiful.

you could literally smell the lavender driving up.

then, my darling hubby asked me if i wanted to go shopping some more.

like a crazy woman, i said no, let's go to enchanted rock. whoops.

we were NOT prepared. i thought it was a sort of look out. so i didn't worry about grabbing 'proper attire'.

i was wrong. it's literally a HUGE rock.

that you climb.

and it's super windy at the top.

and there are caves.

and trees. and grass. growing on a ROCK. what?!

and it's beautiful.

i love j's hair in this one. hahaha. it was SO windy at the top!

then we went to hondos. for some nachos and the BEST burger i've ever eaten in my life. like, seriously. i offended my husband. but it's truth. you can't deny a burger this good. my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

then, bright & early on monday morning, we said goodbye to our dear cabin. {boo}.

and headed to austin. where jeff had some business. and i sat in the hotel. and watched the bachelor. and read this. {it's so good. really.}

i love austin. i would live there in a heartbeat if we could. it's weird. and wonderful. and fun.

we walked over to UT on tueday. i begged the hubbs to get me a longhorn t-shirt. {we root for texas whenever they aren't playing baylor}. but nope. he said that 'it didn't feel right'. whatever that means.

i love this picture. i took it at the capitol. i think it's so 'texas'.

and then, tuesday, i drove from downtown to the arboretum to go shopping while j had a dinner meeting. {yes, i drove by myself}. and thanks to the garmin i got to avoid traffic and only took a few wrong turns. and i saw this. and i was like, "what?" {in a randy jackson voice!} deer? just chillin in someone's front yard. while people just drove by, like it was no biggie. 

so. cool.

and that's that. we came back and it was a 'rough' adjustment. but so worth it. i love that i still like my hubby. after 12+ years of being 'together', i still enjoy him. i still find him funny. and cute. and handsome. and interesting. i'm blessed beyond measure that i met him. and that one day, seemingly out of nowhere, we fell in love. and it grew. and now we have two littles that are sleeping upstairs as i type this. {ok, one is sleeping & one is making gurgling sounds over the monitor}.

thank you, hubby. for knowing when i needed to get away. and be wooed again. without the spit up. and the diapers, and schedules and laundry and dishes. i love you for knowing me more than i even know myself sometimes. xoxoxo.

1 comment:

Parker and Janet said...

i love peach tree and enchanted rock! i camped there one time. so fun.