Tuesday, March 01, 2011

car wash.

brady absolutely loves getting the car washed.

usually his daddy takes him.

but in light of our trip, i took the littles on thursday afternoon.

{can you believe this pic is from a phone??}


he loves the vaccuum.

as you can tell.

he even got a little treat.

he sat in the front seat while we went through the wash.

{don't tell, k?}

i love his boyishness. love it.

and right now, i miss it.

because...... i'm on a little mommy trip. with my hubby.

he took me away.

away from spit up, laundry, poopy diapers {and big boy undies}, dishes in the sink & crayons on the wall. away from it all.

to the hill country.

where we've been riding through the texas hill side with the windows rolled down, pat green turned up & our boots on. it's been amazing. just the refresher i need.

and now we're in austin. he's here for business. i'm here to sit. to blog stalk, eat a whole box of thin mints & maybe sleep in past 9. *sigh*. but don't worry. i'm sure reality will snap me back real hard soon.

until then. i'm enjoying the bachelor {i've only watched one this season...} and the lights shining on the capitol while the hubby is at a business dinner.

enjoy your night. i'm sure we'll talk soon.


Kelly | Fabulous K said...

Enjoy your trip! Sounds lovely!

She McCord said...

so glad that you guys are having fun! ready to see you and have the boys play!