Friday, February 25, 2011


does anyone else have weeks where friday comes and as you reflect back on your week, you feel like you've gotten nothing accomplished? nothing significant has been crossed off of your list? no projects have been completed, your house looks the same way it did after the long weekend at home and you can't wrap your head around where all of your time went?

i do. 

i have. 

in fact, i've had two weeks in a row like that. this morning, i was thanking the lord that it's friday and i'm going dancing with the love of my life tomorrow night {after YEARS of begging him to taking me, no exaggeration} and i was trying to think of what this week has entailed.


i can't think of anything. except that my children are 5 days older. was i intentional enough? probably not. did i get to sew? nope. did i craft with the kiddos {or even by myself}? no way. is my dvr full? yes. {in fact, i told jeff last night that my dvr is stressing me out. but i don't know what i can cut. PLUS american idol is going to be three.nights next week! yaya!}

so... i've gotten nothing accomplished, but how is that? it's not like i've just been lying around. none of us do that. and it's not like i've been watching loads of t.v. like i used to {hence the dvr being full} and i have not even spent time blog stalking. {much to my dismay}. 

so why have i been literally crawling into bed at 11:00 or 11:30 at night dog-tired? why do i feel like i never sit down until the hubby comes home? i've desperately been trying to get myself together since having a second little one... and just this week i feel like we're finding a routine that works for all four of us... but

when the hubbs comes home and asks "what did you do today?" i can't think of one thing to tell him. but we've been busy. right? what an oxymoron!?

please tell me that you feel this way too! jeff told me that i must focus on the mundane daily things that i have gotten done. maybe i need to start adding those to my list? 

such as... 

emptying the dishwasher {ugh}. 

or folding the laundry {ugh}. 

putting the laundry away {double ugh}. 

feeding charlotte {heart... but i feel like everytime i turn around it's time to eat again}. 

and this week, we've been going on walks every afternoon. {working that into our routine is working quite nicely for all of us}.

so i guess that's something, right? i'm really not complaining. i'm feeling very content this week actually. it's just that when you're being productive, it's helpful in being motivated to continue when you have a tangible product at the end, right?

i guess, as a mommy, your tangible product isn't going to come for 18-25 more years, right?? hmm. i guess that'll have to do. *sigh*. it's draining. but totally worth it.

**side note: my camera has been creating some sort of glare this last week. so... there's a bit of a glare on these pics. but still cute. i love my littles**


Kendra said...

Looks like you DID get some cutie pie pictures of your sweet kiddos taken! How precious. AND, for the record. Sometimes I do write down those daily mundane things on my list...just because I get so much stinking gratification from marking them off. Ridiculous. But helps me. (And I don't even have two yet.) ENJOY your weekend!!!

Mel Miro said...

OH MY GOSH, Becky, these photos are so precious! I just love those two little munchkins so much!

Sarah Sherman said...

Thanks for putting into words what I feel most days also! Love you sweet friend.

Sappington said...

I totally appreciate your honest post! There are some days that are so crazy that I find myself looking at the clock thinking, "I really should get a shower in before Roger gets home!" Ha ha. I just remind myself that being a wife and mommy is a calling on my life right now. Sweet pictures. Makes me want a good camera!