Wednesday, February 09, 2011

this is ridiculous.

snow & rain & ice again? seriously?

i enjoyed it the first few days. welcomed it, even. but today? i'm done.

last week i felt like the LORD snowed me in. just for me. i had recently received a little 'tough love' from my hubby on that sunday night and then i was at home until SATURDAY {with two kids} getting life and my house under control. i didn't feel like i needed to go anywhere. i didn't feel guilty about saying no to anything - because there wasn't anything to say no to. it was awesome.

but now? now, i'm organized except for the dreaded toy closet, my laundry is done, my oven is clean and my duvet cover has recently been washed. there's nothing left to do around here.... so, i'm twiddling my thumbs. missing bible study {will we ever have it again?} and cursing the fact that i spent most of monday detoxing my 2 yr old from the television just to watch it again all day today!!! ugh!

to make matters even sadder, we were supposed to go to a birthday party this afternoon here.

have you ever been here before?

we hadn't until a two weeks ago. can i just say, brady has not stopped talking about it! we had a great time. momma was sore the next day from climbing up the huge slide a few times {it was.not.easy!} but it was so fun. i was super proud of the bug when we looked over and he was doing it all by himself! fraidy cat no more!

owen's party was scheduled for last wednesday. it got cancelled. and now, it's snowing and icing again? i hope {for everyone's sake} that it's not cancelled again!!!

i'm so glad that this snow day i've stocked up on creamer coffee, popcorn, hot chocolate, sweet tea and recorded THREE pixar movies from this weekend! {i just remembered those - and now they're adding a woo-hoo to my day!}

{sidenote about pixar: have ya'll seen toy story 3? my hubby hadn't seen it until last week when we ordered it on ON DEMAND for an insane $5 one night during the ice storm. i told him that it would make him teary. when it was almost over he looked at me and said, "this hasn't been sad at all!" and then andy goes to drop his toys off at the end. he all of a sudden got 'something in his eye'.... hmmm.....}

i so hope we have school tomorrow! we have valentines ready {as i'm sure so many kiddos do!}

happy homemaking today.

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