Sunday, February 13, 2011

new favorite things.

so. why am i just now discovering this.

seriously. it's the BEST thing since sliced bread. it has all of my lovely 'daily' reads in ONE place. i don't end up with fifteen windows open & my computer crashing all at once. it's. awesome.

PLUS i've been told that there's some sort of google reader app for your iPhone? is that right? i need to check into that one too.

oh - and what about this?

i never knew what the big deal was until my mother had it on her phone. what???? i had to know what this was. well.... with my old phone, it couldn't even update on my computer so i couldn't ever get new apps. but now.... with my new phone, i can! and i listen to it all.the.time. in the kitchen, cooking dinner... in the car {can you see my veggietales station?} and while i'm sewing. love.

{i still use my iPOD for if when i workout because i control the music more}.

but if you don't have pandora, get it. now. you'll love it.

anyway. that's all.

we're still recovering from our weekend. celebrated v-day with the hubbs saturday. celebrated k & t at their shower on saturday night. celebrated c. at her dedication this morning. oh, how i love her.

big plans this week.

attempting to finish operation: total home organization. i'm almost there. but this tends to be when i stop. so i've GOT to push through.

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