Tuesday, February 15, 2011

j & b.

on saturday, we went out to grapevine for a valentine's day celebration {a few days early!}

we went with our sweet friends. 

it was beautiful.

we couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to hang out outside listening to music & eating wonderful food. cammie's tomato basil soup was the bestest. he may just have to share his recipe with us. {have i mentioned my little brother is a professional chef? um, yeah.}

especially after the ice storm a few days earlier. we even left our coats in the car!

i absolutely adore my hubby.

isn't he cute? i think so.

this was j & i's 13th valentine's day together. they just keep getting better and better. don't they? aren't they supposed to? even though they keep getting more 'low-key' they're getting better?! is that weird? nope? i didn't think so.

i cooked a fancy comfort-food-only PW dinner for the hubby last night. all of his favorite things rolled into one.

i even knocked something off of my thirty things list. can you guess what it was? 

{if i could clear off some of my hard drive, i'd show you pictures.... it was yummy!}

and then the hubbs brought home a little gift for me.

guess what it was?

oh, how he knows me so well. i'm so excited to get started.

hope you & yours had a wonderful v-day together.

i'm still enjoying mine!

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