Friday, February 04, 2011

FROZEN in time.

this is getting ridiculous, folks.

we've had snow day after snow day after snow day after snow day.

it's beautiful, but i'm going crazy. i was doing great the first two & 1/2 days. but by thursday, around lunch time, i started feeling a little claustrophobic. i ALMOST got out of the house last night but when i went to look at our driveway, i decided it wasn't worth it.

so jeff went out for me. to joann's fabric. for glue sticks. and felt. and thread.

i love my husband.

needless to say, i will not be getting out yet again today.

because it looks like this:

so. i've been doing a lot of sewing. organizing. crafting. cleaning. laundry.

there will be another post on operation total home organization, but i can now safely say that the upstairs is done. now onto the hard part. {ah, save the best for last, right??} junk drawers {i have three, much more for any sane, organized person}. cleaning out my dresser drawers. oh - and the DREADED toy closet. does anyone have any suggestions for organizing toys? please oh please share. i need help. my closet needs help. and if the hubby opens it one more time to have a stick horse fall on his big toe, i think brady may have a new vocabulary word that we won't be proud of.

we are ready for the superbowl to be over. are you? i'm so ready to watch the actual today show and not news about snowmageddon, or whatever they're calling it, and the super bowl. i mean, why are we already concerned that the weather here has ruined our chances to host another super bowl? aren't we in the middle of hosting this one? maybe we should finish this one first and see if we want another one. right????

i made lil' miss this dress for sunday night. actually, it's eventually going to have a "BU" on it - in preparation for march madness - but i won't put it on until after sunday.

i also made her this little rosette flower. it didn't turn out quite like i wanted... so i am going to work on some more. but for now, this will do. {PS i wasn't meant to match her jammies! i was just trying it on her!}

big man b. is ready for sunday night too.

a few years ago i went on a business trip to sheboygan, wisconsin. we actually flew out of green bay {30 minutes away} and i brought him back this cheesehead. he has made me swear that this is a one time thing... rooting for the packers.... but we shall see. {i may or may not have said i wanted to steelers to win because i like mike tomlin - the coach - and jeff may or may not have made a 'family decision' to root for the packers...}

regardless. i'm exhausted. not physically, of course, we haven't done ANYTHING. but i'm dying for fresh air that doesn't burn my lungs because it's so cold. {yes i'm a native texan}. yes, my kids nap at the same time for an hour or so... but that's still not enough time for the noise in my head to stop! oh - and what about that constant dripping of the faucets?! lovely!

of course... i do have this little muffin to play dress up with.

i have several crafts lined up on my 'docket' for this weekend. my goal is to do a post on them. but we will see....... i haven't exactly been living up to my goals 100% of the time lately. regardless, they're fun for ME to enjoy... right?

stay warm. thank goodness for coffee!


Judy said...

Becky you are so crafty. I am impressed!

Olson Family said...

I told Erik if this weather keeps up we may not have anything left in our house...I think I've done 3 "spring cleanings" and habitat for humanity has come twice for 'bulk' pick ups! But as for the toys...every couple of months I go through my toy closet and I throw away any unrecognizable, loose, cheap, plastic toys such as free kids meal toys or other random toys that serve no purpose. I have a bin for 'train paraphenalia', a bin for anything with parts like remote control cars or stuff you have to build, a bin for 'sports' stuff, and then a small bin for cars, trucks, planes, or anything small that moves. It's not rocket science organization but it seems to work for us right now. Oh yea and I keep puzzles and books in baskets under the boys' entertainment center in their playroom. Good luck and let me know how it goes! I always need tips in this area!!