Friday, May 01, 2009

Big Red Ball

This afternoon, we hung out at Nana's house waiting for Megaw (my grandmother) to come in town. After we ate some Chick-Fil-A, B. showed me his new favorite toy at Nana's: the Big Red Ball. As you can see, it's much bigger than he is, yet he rolls on it, bounces on it, picks it up, throws it and rolls it. He basically wrestles it just like he currently wrestles anything that is his size or bigger (including Georgia). He's all boy and I adore it.

(This is a picture of his new 'fake laugh'. He does it when he wants to get you to look at him and it sounds kind of like a cough - but it's more like a forced laugh - and he makes this face!)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

oh my goodness I could eat him up - he is soooo cute!!! he has grown up so fast! :)