Sunday, May 24, 2009


No pics in this post - I'm just writing this down because it's been a big week for us and I want to keep track of when things happen!

Brady started cutting a tooth on Monday and it finally popped through on Friday. You can't really see it when he smiles, but it's definitely there and I think he might be starting another one... finally.

He also started signing "Please" on Monday... by the end of the week he was doing "All Done" and "More". Jerica told me that if I just stuck with it and didn't force it, it would come all of a sudden... and sure thing, it did!

He's been taking a step here and there every so often, but by yesterday he was taking 5-6 at a time and today it was even more. (Yesterday we did have a very big fall into the coffee table. I was afraid he wouldn't try again). With all that said, he has learned how to 'steer' his little walker. It is SO funny (or at least I find it to be) because he'll go from one end of the house to the other. Our little duplex is small so he goes around the coffee table, into the furthermost part of our room and then back again into his room. I took a video on Friday and am hoping to upload it soon...

Hopefully we'll have pictures and video tomorrow... Thanks for bearing with me!

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