Monday, June 09, 2008

Brady's Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

Today was our 2 month Dr's Appointment. For Jeff and I, we've been so looking forward to this appointment for weeks! We were going to get to see how much our Little Man was growing! And good new for us, he's right at 10 pounds! (10 pounds, .5 ounces to be exact) He's also grown 2 more inches, so he's at 21 inches! We were so excited for his weight to be in double digits! He's gained 3 whole pounds since his 3 week weight check! Wow!

The bad news, was that our Brady Bug was going to have to get 4 shots. That's right, count them... 1-2-3-4. Luckily, they have two nurses that give them in the leg at the same time so it really only "feels" like four... (or so they say). I've never EVER heard him cry like this. (Jeff requested me to get it on video, and because he seems to have a nice set of lungs, I've decided to be a horrible mother and post a record of his shear agony here, but I can't figure it out... I'll try again later). He's been crying all day long. He'll go to sleep and wake up crying. (He normally wakes up pretty happy, unless he's hungry). He has even been crying in his sleep. (I wonder if he's having nightmares about it?!)

THEN, when we finally got home from the doctor's appointment, my little man had an incredibly smelly diaper so I decided to go ahead and change him before I fed him. As I was changing him, he was of course screaming his head off because I absolutely had to mess with his legs. (That's where his shots were). He then decided to spray everywhere, which made him (and me) even more upset! I grabbed the CLEAN burp cloth that was already set out for when I was going to fee him (they're like gold in our house) and covered it up before it got absolutely everywhere.

When I grabbed yet another diaper (we're on the 2nd clean diaper), he decided to spit up everywhere. So I grabbed the same burp cloth (yes, i know it's gross but you have to think fast when this is happening) and wiped his sweet cheek off. THEN he decided to go number 2... like, if I had not noticed his red face, it would have gone all over my hands. So it gets all over the front of the second diaper. So we finally got clean on diaper #3.

I could not bear to put him through any more trauma today, so I didn't give him a bath, I just wiped him off with a wet wash cloth and changed his clothes. I thought he would never go back to sleep, but he seemed to be relieved when I finally put him in his crib. I guess he was tired of being held and messed with, when he's not used to that normally. I hope he'll sleep good tonight and wake up tomorrow morning, having forgotten all of today!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! poor brady AND mommy!