Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Super Mommies.

So today I caught myself doing something that I found absolutely embarrasing. (Surprising, I know.) I was walking Georgia down the street, with my Little Man in my arms (with a cute sun hat on, by the way), and she decided to leave a nice little 'present' in someone's front yard. I then bent down (with Brady still in my arms and holding onto Georgia's leash) to pick up her 'present' and put it in the little bag I carry with me because I'm a good neighbor. As I was doing so, I suddenly busted out singing "Super Mommy!" I've been doing this at home ever since Brady was born, when Jeff was around to hear. I wanted him to know how proud I was of myself when I could 'multi task' and do more than one thing at one time. BUT, I never expected it to become a habit when I surprise myself with what I can do all at one time, and I NEVER expected anyone ELSE to hear me say it. But lo and behold, the neighbor was looking out the window when I was in their yard, bent on all fours, picking up poopy and singing "Super Mommy."

This got me to thinking that every mom is a Super Mommy and at one time or another has had their own Super Mommy stories. For me, it went from being able to feed Brady a bottle and pour myself a glass of Ruby Red grapefruit juice at the same time, to feeding Brady a bottle and throwing Georgia's tennis ball at the same time. Then I found that I could walk Georgia with Brady in the stroller, listen to my iPod and drink a bottle of water all at the same time. It's like it all kicks in at once. It's like a 6th sense that happens when you become a mom... you just learn how to manage a crying baby, a barking dog and a ringing telephone all at one time.

SOO.... I'd like to open it up for all of you moms out there to share your Super Mommy stories with me! I know you all have them... and especially if you have more than one child.... how DO you do it???


jmc said...

I love your 'super mom' story! Can't wait to share mine with you in a few months!!

Missy Rooney said...

Hi! So excited to be invited into the blog :) Okay just last week I thought WOW their is a lot going on here... We were at the doctor's office and I had to fill out paper work, while holding Colin, with his spit up going down my leg, while trying to hold his teething toy in his mouth all at the same time talking to the nurse... that is my super mommy moment that happened recently :)