I don't know about you, but I love cards. LOVE them. I love to give them and love to recieve them... especially when they are absolutely 'perfect'. I love picking them out and laughing out loud or being moved to tears in the aisle of the store. I love have five in my hand for one person and can't decide. I wish I could write cards. I really do.
In high school, when Jeff and I first started dating, we would pretty much buy out the Hallmark store. I think I maybe recieved a card and gave a card at LEAST once a week. I'd come out from school and there would be a card on my windshield, or a card in my mailbox from Jeff when I got home. We were infatuated with each other at the time- being 16 years old and all- and we were also infatuated with this particular kind of Hallmark card called "Personal Expressions". They're the long skinny ones that have a ton of writing on them, and they always, ALWAYS managed to bring me to tears and be exactly what I wanted to say.
So, on this Father's Day, I find it extremely appropriate to write what was written on the card I bought for Jeff. It actually didn't leave me with anything else to say to him.... and if I could write this beautifully, it's exactly what I would have written to him.
"For My Husband --- I always believed that our love would keep on changing and growing as we experienced more and more of life together... yet I never knew I'd feel as moved and thrilled as I always am when I watch you being a father... Seeing your big hands guide little hands into sleeves... seeing your strong arm curled around small, dangly legs... these and countless other things you probably never realize I'm noticing fill me with a sense of security and love... Because of you, the words husband and father have become a picture of incredible tenderness --- an image of you I'll hold forever in my heart." ---B.K. Loots
Happy Father's Day. What an honor it is to have watched my husband become a father.
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