Tuesday, June 03, 2008

We are ALL Boy at 8 Weeks Old!

How cute is this picture? My little baby boy has his first boo boo, and is it not so cute? He of course scratched himself during a nap at some point and ended up with his first scab. I guess this means that I have to bite the bullet and cut his fingernails, right? I read that you're supposed to wait until they're asleep to do it, that way they don't flail their arms as much!

Anyway... I can't believe 8 weeks has come and gone. I always thought he would be "soooo much older" at 8 weeks, and here he is... still my Little Man. He's a doll, if you ask me and we're having more fun everyday. We love to go on walks with Miss Georgia and have had many a lunch date with girlfriends. We also have discovered reality television together and LOVE to watch any and all reality shows (except for the knock off ones that Fox usually makes).

We also have found a love of reading. I didn't really read to him much the first few weeks, I kind of felt silly... and honestly I didn't even think about it. I was much more thinking about getting as much sleep as possible for all involved and it never crossed my mind to read to my Little Man before bed. But now, we have a nighttime ritual of reading in the rocking chair before going to bed. I have also started singing to him. (That was a last night thing.) I felt a little silly singing to him while making his swaddle, but he was just staring at me the whole time... which I think means he likes it!

I also THINK I got a little reaction yesterday that I consider to be the beginnings of a giggle. (Am I such a mom, or what?) I was cheek and making all sorts of weird noises (like all moms do, trying to get their child to smile) and not only did he smile, but he kind of made this noise that sounded like he was trying to laugh... like he thought I was funny. Who knows if he was just cooing (he does that a lot lately) but I like to think he thought I was funny. (I pride myself on that, actually.)

What do you think it is that makes us know how to smile when we're little? Isn't it amazing that a smile is more of a natural reaction than we think it is? That made me think today that NOT smiling in life is more unnatural. I think it may be more of a "learned" reaction to actually NOT smile vs. smile. (I'm no psych major, nor did I take any psych classes in college... that was simply an observation as a mom).

I also had to post this picture of what Jeff picked out for him to wear on Sunday to church! :) This is actually the little Onesie that Jeff bought for him when we found out that he was a boy and not a girl! It says "Chicks Dig Me" if you can't read it... It's still a tad big for him, but he looked darling in it! He's definitely getting my round cheeks, isn't he?

I also wanted to explain why we decided to make the blog private. On Sunday night, we got a few Anti-Baby Wise comments that were made anonymously on my last post. I realized then that not only did I not have a way to defend myself and our style of parenting, but that I didn't know who was reading our blog. I, too, am guilty of blog stalking... and I love it. I'm addicted, actually... and I get frustrated when people don't update their blogs (ahem, Julie Atkinson)... but I would have loved the chance to have a dialogue with whomever it was that disagreed so strongly with the fact that Brady was already sleeping through the night. SO, if was any one of you... please let me know, just so that I can sleep easier at nighttime! :) Ha.


jmc said...

I love the shirt! He is definitely a little "ladies man!"

Abby said...

Another great time to cut their nails is during a feeding. That has worked for us so well. Jay cuts while I nurse and Maddie never moves her arms!