Friday, May 30, 2008

Big News!!

Our Little Man is sleeping through the night!! I didn't want to post this earlier this week in fear that it was a fluke, but since moving the 10:00 feeding to 10:30, he is sleeping until 7:00! Twice this week he didn't even wake up in the middle and need his paci!! He slept straight through! I told Jeff it makes me so proud of him, and I'm sure he doesn't even know what he's doing!! Last night he woke up at 4:45, Jeff went in there and gave him his paci and he went right back to sleep. When Jeff came back to bed, I think we were both holding our breath to see if he would cry again, but nope!! Not until 6:45. (I let him cry until 7, is that bad?)

We're still working on naptime. Whew. That's the worst! Especially when he cries all through a nap, then he won't eat at the next feeding because he's so sleepy! And then we get off of our 'schedule', if you know what I mean! I try to let him cry it out, but it's hard to do doing the day. At night time, I don't worry about it (mainly because he doesn't cry much at nighttime) but when I'm in the next room it really gets to me!!

The only problem we have now, is that at 10:30, sometimes he's still sleepy and won't eat very much. Any suggestions for that?

1 comment:

Olson Family said...

YAY!!!! You guys did such a great job "sleep training":) And that is fine that you let him cry until 7...we still have to do that with Jack and he knows now that we'll come when it's "time". When you start to move up that last feeding maybe he won't be so tired but I'd say you guys are doing AWESOME!!!