Friday, May 02, 2008


So, I could NOT wait to get home to write this post and share our little adventure from today... and it's 10:30 and I'm just now posting, if that gives you an idea of how the day went.

This morning started off pretty well, except the past two nights I haven't been sleeping well. I don't mind the interrupted sleep, and so far I've been going back to sleep pretty well after we feed Brady, but these past two nights I haven't been able to get comfy for some reason... so after we feed him at 7:00, I put him in his boppy next to me on the bed so I can keep resting. Anyway, so that's how this morning started off too.

After I put Brady down for his morning nap, (that's right, he wakes up at 7, then eats and then goes down for a nap about an hour later... what a life...) I got ready for the day. I took a shower and put my makeup on before getting him back up at 10 to start the cycle again. Usually, I wait until after 10 to get "ready" for the whatever the day might hold, but today was special because we were meeting Miss Kate for lunch. So, I was more than ready when the day started to unfold with a little more humor in it than expected.

After feeding Brady at ten, I changed him and put him in his swing. I even went to the extra trouble of putting pants on him for our little outing today. (We were also going to see my doctor in the afternoon.) I went to make sure I had everything I needed in my diaper bag for the day. (Which you will need to know for later on in the story.) I made sure I had an extra onesie for the spit ups that happen, an extra diaper for his changing at 1, a burp cloth and a blanket. Oh, and wipes. When I came back to get Brady out of swing and put him in his car seat, low and behold... spit up everywhere! Everywhere on him and everywhere on the swing and of course, everywhere on his clothes. Not to mention his little "whoopie-cushion tooting" had already soiled his clean diaper THOROUGHLY! So I changed him really quickly (a little frustrated, I have to say, that I had to change him out of his 'perfect outfit') and got out the door in time to meet Kate for lunch and not be too late.

After a wonderful lunch with Kate (and running into some HKS-ers as well), it was off to Plano for Brady and I. I had decided that I was going to enjoy the nice day and find a nice spot for us to park so that I could feed him (a bottle) and then we'd go to Old Navy to find something to wear for Baby Dedication next week. We get to the Old Navy parking lot and I find a perfect shady parking spot, turn on the Ticket and get Brady out of his car seat... I shake up the bottle and it doesn't take him long to get down to business. He takes the whole bottle! 4 ounces! Yay for our growing boy... he's been doing that a LOT lately! I burp him and he has a few little burps, but not too many. I'm really enjoying my little setup I have made here in my car. I take him to the backseat and start to change his diaper.

Here's where the story gets interesting. Picture this... I'm changing my little man's diaper on his little changing pad in my back seat. I have all of my "supplies" handy, as I have prepared this beforehand and am ready for anything that may come my way (or so I think.) Right as I go to grab the clean diaper, here it comes... the "Fountain of Urine" as I like to call it. If you have not experienced, please do not think this is a little "tinkle" because it is called a Fountain for a reason. It seriously went on for like three minutes... and it went EVERYWHERE. I attempted to stop it by putting his diaper on top of it. (Remember, I only have one extra diaper and it's definitely the one I grabbed.) He then started wailing because he was soaking wet and of course shooting himself in the face as well. I'm frantically trying to clean him up, my car up, and myself up and I just crack up laughing at the situation and can't stop! I really wish there had been a video camera to get it all on tape. My description does not do it justice!

So, I finally get him dry by using his blanket, my burp cloth and ALL of my wipes, and I change his clothes. I then put him in his car seat to keep him occupied and DRY... and then attempt to clean up my car.... but what do I have left to clean up with? Nothing! Luckily I found some Armor All wipes in my trunk, so I cleaned up with those. BUT, what about me? I have to go to a doctor's appointment in an hour, I'm an hour away from my house, and I'm covered in urine. I decided that this is a mom's destiny. Either I accept it and embrace it, or I fight it and it gets worse. Luckily, his tee tee is clear and it doesn't smell yet. When I got the hospital, I went to the bathroom and tried to clean up as much as I could, but the moral of the story is that I'm going to keep a change of MY clothes with me at all times as well!!!

I hope you enjoyed our little adventure for the day! Next time, I promise to keep my camera with me and will get the mess on tape!!

1 comment:

Hillary Kouba said...

What an eventful day! I have had plenty of those too!