Thursday, September 11, 2008

This week has been somewhat of a rough one. Don't get me wrong, it could be a whole lot worse... that's not what I'm saying at all. It's just that we're apparently right in the thick of the teething process, and that results in random 30-minute periods of inconsolable crying throughout the day. On Tuesday, my mom had him during the late morning/early afternoon and she said he was absolutely perfect! But of course, for me he was screaming in the morning and screaming in the afternoon! I actually kind of thought to myself "I am a horrible mom! He's in such pain and nothing is working!" And, I felt like I was going to pull my hair out at some points... I felt so badly for him! It's one thing if I know he's just crying to cry and then I'll just let him be, but this time I know that he's in pain! I'm his mom! I should be able to console him somehow, right? You'll look at him and he'll have both of his hands stuffed inside his mouth and he's gnawing on his fingers!!! Poor thing! (Please tell me that you other moms have felt this same thing at some point!)

On Wednesday, we went to our Mom's Bible Study at church and it was my groups's day to work the nursery. When I went to pick him up, this mom handed him over as if he were a disease and simply said "He was absolutely out of control." Tears flooded out of my eyes... I had no idea what she was talking about, all I knew was that she was absolutely put out with my child. Fortunately, one of my sweet table leaders was also in there and she told me that he was mad the last 20 minutes or so of the time and yes, he was inconsolable but her kids had been the same way. That was all I needed... to hear that her kids were the same way and that she understood! There's something special about mommy-hood when you can sympathize with other moms and their crying children. I was so frustrated with how this lady had talked to me... it still bothers me. I know that no one ever wants to be 'that' parent... especially at this age when truthfully, there's nothing that you can do about it. 

So, on my way home, we went and got some baby Orajel and added that to our regimen of tylenol at nighttime. I haven't experienced any "out bursts" since then, but time shall tell. His gums are so swollen and I really hope that we get a break through soon so that maybe we can have some relief for a while before the next batch hits. This video was from the same day as the nursery incident! You would never know how upset he had been! It's amazing how babies always laugh the hardest at the simple things! This was about to be Georgia's "potty bag" and he really liked the crinkle noise, I guess!


Abby said...

We have been in the "teething" process for about 2 months...and still not teeth have come in. There are days where she cries and cries and I just know that the next morning I am going to see teeth...but nope! Hopefully, Brady's teeth come in soon for you. We are still waiting though...

Missy Rooney said...

First of all I LOVE the video of Brady laughing!!! 2nd- I hate teething! I know exactly how you feel- very helpless. I also love your top 10 list! I didn't even think of using the formula container for his puffs or other snacks-love it!

Jeff and Steph said...

I'm so sorry! Luckily, Braeden hasn't had any major teething issues yet besides gnawing on his hands and drooling. I'm sure it's still to come though. :)

I CAN'T believe how that woman treated you and Brady. It just amazes me. Doesn't a person know, especially one who's working in the nursery (they should know something about babies) about babies and teething. I would have cried too!

Hope it's getting better though.
