Thursday, September 04, 2008

When Your Purse Becomes a Diaper Bag

Last week when we started a MOM’s Bible Study on Wednesday mornings, our group leaders asked us to reach in our purses (a.k.a. ‘bags’) and grab one thing that describes what your life is about right now. I was thinking, “Hmmm…. My planner? My cell phone?” Nope. Once I reached down in it, I knew exactly what it was. I found not one, but TWO pacifiers, right there in my purse. That said it all. (Marci reached in hers and found a coupon for formula!) It got me to thinking about these moments when you know you’re a mom…. So here are some that I have experienced. Please send me your own and I’ll add them here for everyone to read!

You know you’re a mom….

When you no longer need 8-9 hours of sleep… you’re happy to get 4-5.
When you’re thankful for the stench coming from your baby’s room because it means the ‘motherload’ has FINALLY come in.
When your t-shirt becomes a burp cloth.
When you start to hum Raffi songs in the shower.
When you live on coffee and diet pepsi.
When makeup is worn for special occasions only.

p.s. tonight is officialy the start of the NFL football season. For tonight... Go Giants.

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