Friday, October 03, 2008

Oh My Gosh!

So, this morning I had coffee with my friend Becky while Jeff watched Brady for me. (This isn't unusual, he does it almost every Friday for me... thank you, Honey!) On my way home I stopped by Walgreen's to get some formula and I decided to pick up a little card for Jeff too. (Because I AM such a great wifey and everything, right?) But now to the GREAT part... I had put the card on Jeff's car so that he would get it when he left (just like we did when we were dating) and I was kind of watching him through the window... it's just been one of those weeks where I could tell he needed a little pick-me-up. He came back inside and thanked me and gave me and Brady a big hug... gotta love him! So when he went back out to the car, I looked at Brady and said, "We just made Daddy really happy, didn't we?" And he looked up at me and sweetly said, "Da-Da?" My jaw DROPPED. I am not kidding. I think I froze. But there's no doubt about it, that's what he said! I ran back outside and stopped Jeff and told him. Of course, the Bug did not want to say it again so Jeff did not believe me, but he totally did. I swear it. I've read that they can say it at this age, but not necessarily mean it... which is perhaps what happened... but it DID happen!

AND... a new development from yesterday... Brady can put his paci in his mouth (correctly) by himself!! I sat him down on his blanket last night after our walk while I was getting his dinner ready and I came back in and somehow he had reached for his pacifier and put it in his mouth, all by himself. I didn't even know there was one on the blanket!! Then this morning, I went to check on him before I left and he had it in his mouth and I knew he didn't sleep with it in his mouth the entire night! Our little boy isn't as little as he used to be!! I just love these new developments!

1 comment:

Craig, Julie, Sydney & Harper said...

They grow up so fast don't they!! I think he looks just like you in that picture! Too cute!!