Monday, October 27, 2008

Sick Boy!

This weekend, we went to a friend of Brady's birthday party... Holice Pegram! He was so funny eating his cake! He neatly picked all of the icing off of it and was taking his time enjoying it! It was a beautiful day so we had a great time hanging out in the back yard with some friends!!

On Saturday night, Jeff's friend from New Orleans that he met on a Mission Trip last year came into town to meet with some ministers from Prestonwood. He runs a ministry out of New Orleans that does church planting. He and his wife just had a baby about 3 months ago and he's already 15 pounds! That's about Brady's size and he's half his age!! Apparently he was 9 pounds when he was born and his wife broke her tailbone in delivery!! Ahh!! So glad the Bug was small and I didn't have to go through anything like that! We went and ate at a BBQ place in Coppell that was pretty yummy!! The boys were stuffed!!!

Jeff and Joanna compared their feet. 
Poor Joanna... They look like they hurt SO bad!

When we were at the restaurant, Brady slept the entire time... which is so not like him. He usually is 'relaxed' when we're out at night time, but he's definitely alert and taking it all in. When we got him home, he was running a temperature. And on Sunday, he was not acting like himself all day long. He sucked on his pacifier all day and wouldn't really want to play with anything. The McCord's watched him for us last night while we went to our last parenting class and Joanna said he really didn't even want his bottle for a while and he didn't take more than 2 bites of his solid food! Poor Baby!! He looks better this morning, but we're playing it safe and staying put today. I'm definitely getting more smiles out of him today though. He's been sitting in his booster seat at the table the past few days... he looks like such a big boy! I love it!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

ah he is so precious!