Friday, November 20, 2009

good habits start early.

b.'s new-found favorite thing to do is brush his teeth. as we were moving, i noticed that his teeth were 'showing' enough, that we could probably start doing it so i got him a baby-elmo toothbrush from target and we were on our way. i was originally going to just let him hold it and put it in his mouth himself to get used to it while we were brushing our teeth, but whoa was i wrong. as soon as he saw his daddy putting toothpaste on his toothbrush, he had to do the same thing. he messes around with it in his mouth for a little bit before we actually take it and 'scrub' them - something i thought for sure he wouldn't be fond of - but again, i was wrong. he loves it. in fact, if he had his way, he'd brush his teeth 4 or 5 times a day. not kidding. the only problem is that he eats the toothpaste. as in, doesn't spit it out. any help?

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