Tuesday, November 10, 2009

home alone.

it's 11:05 on tuesday night, and i'm home alone. the hubbs has a softball double-header (sounds big time, huh?) and won't get home until 11:30 or so. i had big plans for tonight. i had several crafty things i felt inspired to do, and have been making preparations to get everything done and cleaned up in the alloted time before the hubbs got home and found me working and not relaxing.

immediately after he left, around 8, i embarked on my first craft project (pictures to come later). I got all my supplies out on the kitchen table - spray glue, glitter, papers, paper cutters, templates, tape, scissors and a stapler. i was well on my way when i needed to make a trip out to the trashcan in the driveway. i opened the back door and i heard a LOUD thump. i just knew that a bird had flown into my house. i came back inside and sure enough there was something flying around... the biggest grasshopper i've ever seen. seriously. all joking aside, it was the size of an iguana. have you ever seen that movie about the mothman? this was the grasshopperman. i immediately grabbed georgia and ran back into my bedroom and shut the door. i've remained here for two hours - craft project still laying on my kitchen table for the husband to see in all it's glory. lights all still on. music still playing. popcorn still in a bowl on the kitchen counter. glitter all over the floor (not kidding).

i texted j. to come and rescue me, but i guess he was too busy catching fly balls to help out! i'm praying that he will be home soon and won't say (or see) anything about my mess in the kitchen. i also pray that he captures the grasshopper. i would hate to walk out there in the morning and have a grasshopper fly down my shirt! ahh!!!! (i think i might have nightmares tonight).

okay - will try to wait patiently while watching the cosby show. have a great night!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Becky! That is too funny! I have started a blog and had a bug experience myself...when Faustino was on call... posted a picture of it! It really freaked me out! I totally get it!