Friday, November 27, 2009


"Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name;
make known His deeds among the peoples.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him;
speak of all His wonders."
{1 Chronicles 16:8,9}

For the first time since I can remember (which doesn't mean too terribly much), the season of the year matches exactly with the season in my life. For the past few weeks, I have been overwhelmed, to the point of tears, at all of the blessings that the Lord has poured upon our lives. I'm not talking about material blessings, that which we all have received. I'm talking about those blessings in our lives that can only be explained through the Lord. Jeff and I made a Thanksgiving list this year, which I hope becomes a tradition that the Little B-Man can participate in soon, and a few things on my list are below. I hope each and every one of you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday and found many blessings to sing praises for.

~a godly husband that loves the Lord with all His heart and grows in His walk with every passing day; that he prays for me and loves me unconditionally.

~J. passing the Bar and finishing school up this year (thanks to all of your prayers this year for us!) That he has a job, and that he LOVES it.

~a happy and healthy little boy (which I take for granted way too much).

~the health of our parents; and on that note, that BOTH of our parents are God-fearing and have raised us up in that way as well.

~for friends and family that challenge us and build us up in the Lord.

~for two of our sweet friends recently got pregnant... an answer to many, many prayers of ours. (we're so happy for you guys!!)

~for our sunday school class (sorry, 'adult bible fellowship'). we've been soooo encouraged through the people that the Lord has so clearly brought to our class. He has a special plan for all of the relationships that are forming, and it's sooo neat to watch.

~that my brother is home from Colorado. (Love you, Cammy).

These are just a few of the things I felt that I could share 'publicly'.

Some pics of Thanksgiving Day are below... we had a blast. Cam cooked the turkey - and it was awesome. We had so much family in town, it was so fun to see everyone. It was the first time we'd all been together in a long time. We all brought a dish and the food was incredible. Can't wait to try making Carolyn's chipotle potatoes (send me that recipe, Carolyn!)

my big daddy writes 'odes' for all special occasions. here is reading the one for Thanksgiving Day.

everyone except my aunt and brady (carolyn was taking the picture).

the two men i'm most thankful for.

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