Monday, January 04, 2010

fried chicken.

you read the title right... i made fried chicken last night!

and not only did i make it, i served it to guests, AND it tasted yummy... really yummy... we were actually trying to figure out if we could just make 'fried chicken breasts' instead of getting the whole chicken... just for a treat every once in a while. it was a lot of work to get the meat off the bone - i'm not much of a fan of bone-in meats to eat.

it wasn't as hard to make as i thought it was going to be - after i got my oil to the right temperature. it just made a mess. a big mess.

this is what my kitchen looked like, after the first load of dishes were already in the dishwasher!!! {in other words, these are all the dishes that had to wait for the second load!}

oh - and p.s. i did attempt homemade biscuits and they were not as much of a success, although we all ate them. i had the hubbs taste one as soon as it came out of the oven and he said, 'well, they're not great, but they're edible!' ha. we all covered them in honey and butter though!

{my brother thinks i over-worked the dough, because i followed the recipe to a 't'. i will be trying them again - not anytime soon though... too much work for something pillsbury makes - can i get an 'amen'?}

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