Friday, January 22, 2010

long week.

this week has been a long one.
no reason, it just has.
can i get an 'amen'?

i got behind on tuesday morning when j. didn't have to leave until 7:30 {he usually leaves at 6:30}. i slept 'in' with him instead of getting up. it's amazing how that 30 extra minutes seemed to throw the rest of my week off! i just couldn't catch up from then on out.

let's just say i'm glad it's friday... and i wish i was gazing at this in my backyard.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I will give you an Amen. It was a doozy of a week to be punctuated by a whopper of a Friday! Yikes. Thank goodness for the promise of a new tomorrow...and for His grace! :)