Unfortunately, today I'm suffering the affects of some sort of a nasty head cold. I think J. brought it home from work with him early last week, then gave it to my little Bug and then the Bug, in turn, generously gave it to his momma. Whew. What a treat, right!? How come this little 'virus' can so easily zap me of all energy and motivation to do anything? The sweet Hubbs forced me to stay in bed this morning while he took the little man to church. THEN, he came home, fixed us lunch and I stayed in bed all afternoon (with a few breaks as to not get bed sores). He even watched Brady while the Boys lost that awful game. He's such a die-hard fan, and I couldn't help but to hear him trying to play happily with B. while Romo fumbled the ball. What a wonderful husband!?
So, when the boys went to church this morning, I wish I could tell you that I followed J's instructions and went back to sleep, but I didn't! I couldn't go back to sleep for the life of me. I turned on the television - but it was all junk on Sunday morning. So I decided to read.
I recently finished
The Power of the Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian for the second time. It's life changing. I love ALL of her books (I think I have 5 of them) but this one especially because it's absoutely filled with God's Word, and she taught me a few years ago the power of praying
scripture over my own life. In preparation to finish that book, I went to Mardel in search for a new book and picked up
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver. I've been wanting to read it for a while, and decided that it's time, as I've been a little overwhelmed recently in my "busyness" and the hustle and bustle of the upcoming holidays.
I read the first chapter this morning and have become absolutely captivated by Joanna's honesty and candid descriptions of the Mary and Martha story. I've included a few captions from the first chapter that really convicted me:
"Jesus is our supreme example. He was never in a hurry. He knew who he was and where he was going. He wasn't held hostage to the world's demands or even its desparate needs. 'I only do wht athe Father tells me to do,' Jesus told his disciples." (p.8)
"We can get caught in the same performance trap {as Martha}, feeling as though we must prove our love for God by doing great things for him. So we rush past the intimacy of the Living Room to get busy for him in the Kitchen - implementing great ministries and wonderful projects, all in an effort to spread the good news. We do all our works in His name. We call him 'Lord,Lord'. But in the end, will he know us? Will we know him?..... The world clamors, 'do more! Be all that you can be!' But our Father whispers, 'Be still and know that I am God!" (p.9)
Does anyone else have a problem with the busyness of life? With saying yes to every good thing that comes your way until all of a sudden you have so many good things on your plate that you can't concentrate on the Best thing that God has for you? I do. I really do. I am challenged by the paradox of Mary and Martha and desperately want to find the balance that God has for me.
I told my mom last week, I have a Mary heart - in the morning - before the chaos of the day starts. In the stillness of the morning, in my quiet time with Him, I'm great at 'being Mary'.... but as soon as that little boy upstairs wakes up, I turn into Martha, trying to get it all done.
So it turns out that I didn't need to go to "church" this morning to have a meaningful experience with Him. He met me where I was... sick, in bed. Don't you absolutely adore the God that we serve?
Have a great week, everyone!