Saturday, December 26, 2009


santa was very good to me this year. {i must have been better than i thought this year, huh?!}

these are just a few of my favorites:

a few weeks ago, j. told me to go get fitted for some new shoes. {i've been wanting to do this for a long time now}. i went to luke's locker and they watched me walk and then watched me jog on their little track. i think i tried on about 9 different shoes. these are the ones i put on hold... and lo and behold, ron & darlene got them for me! {thank you both for these! i think you'll be happy to know they got me across the 4 mile threshold!}

{the hubbs brought me lots of fun running gear - but of course new shoes are the necessity!}

jocelyn talked me into asking for a sewing machine for christmas. after i asked for one, i really started to want one... in the worst way. i already have a project list. {first i need to wind the bobbin, huh?} the hubbs and i picked this one out together, so it wasn't much of a surprise on christmas morning... but he did get me a gift certificate to jo ann's that i promptly spent this morning to get my new sewing gear. can't wait for joci to come over and give me my first tutorial! thanks, hubby!! i love you!

my sweet mom discovered the pioneer woman only a few weeks ago. i received an email from her with a link to PW's website that said, "this is so interesting... i think you'd really like it!" little did she know i'd been reading her blog {okay, obsessing over it} for a while!

after telling my mom how much i loved PW, she got me her new, beautiful, cookbook for christmas. oh, how i love this cookbook. i've been obsessing over it since christmas eve when i opened it... making my menu for next week and reading it from cover to cover. thanks mom. i absolutely love it!

1 comment:

The Links said...

I got the PW cookbook too! I can't wait to start cooking with it. I added a sewing machine to my list too late this year. I'm hoping I'll get one next year. It's in my family to be a seamstress. My Mom and grandma sew some pretty amazing stuff. I'm hoping I can learn too.