Thursday, December 24, 2009


i am not a gamer. i repeat: i am not a gamer.

however, we won a wii at the hubbs's office party a few weeks ago, and we got mario kart to go along with it.

let's put it nicely. i have an obsessive need to win at this game.

the problem is that no one will play with me. (a.k.a. jeff won't play with me). he thinks it's a stupid game and it doesn't make sense to him that you can throw turtles, you can bomb your opponent, and you can get struck by lightening. he hates that it's totally random when you get your 'weapons'. mostly, he hates that there is no skill involved.

can you say, 'he really hates that you're better at the game than him, becky!'?!?

ha. anyone with me?

1 comment:

JPO said...

Hahaha.....this is hilarious!!