Monday, June 06, 2011

catching up.


summer has arrived.


my car said the temp was 101 last week... and to me, that's WAAY too early to be in the triple digits. 

what do you think?

the pools weren't even open yet.



wednesday we went to a nice & shady park with julie, sydney & harper. for a picnic lunch & some playtime. 

let me say that the picnic area is what is nice & shady. the actual playground is h.o.t. 


as you can tell by their faces.

i swear they were having fun. playing tag, running races, playing red light/green light. 

they were!!


how is your monday so far?

mine is good.

i am willing myself in a happy mood today.

this birth control is throwing me a new one - hormone wise. 

just being honest with ya.

somehow, taking the weekend 'off' as a momma - i'm talking laundry, picking up, wiping up, sweeping up - ends up reeking HAVOC on your household. leaving an epic disaster to deal with on monday.

so that's what we're doing today. 

catching up. on laundry. on dishes. on cleaning. on laundry. on laundry. on laundry.

i'm also planning on 'catching up' on project life today during nap time. yay! 

i try to not think of project life that way - otherwise it becomes a chore. i just try to get done what i can get done for that week & move on. but with the chaos of the last two or three weeks, i just hasn't gotten done the way i'd like. so. hopefully will have new layouts this week!
have you started project life yet? i know several of you have ordered the parts. but have you started??? go for it!! you won't regret it!

1 comment:

Jen said...

still haven't opened the amazon box (that came how many days ago?? maybe 5 -- box is sitting by the front door...hah MY. LIFE. IS. CHAOS {chaos} Chaos! maybe tomorrow...maybe not...but hopeful :)