Friday, June 17, 2011



it's a sad day for the dfw area.

our dear friends, the kampens, moved to austin yesterday.


although, i was telling jeff last night that it still hasn't hit me that they actually left. they've been talking about it for over a year. literally. and for some reason, i feel like we'll see them a lot. we'll make trips there and they'll make trips here.

so even though it's 'good bye' - i think everyone feels really good about it.

maybe we're in denial.

last sunday night, we had a goodbye party for them at the mccords house.

it was super dirty fun. joanna & justin were sweet enough to set up their backyard like a tiny tot water park. and combine the water with the dirt & the bare feet... and we got a mess. a fun, hot, mess.

the kiddos LOVED every second of it. EVERY. SECOND.

oh - except for charlotte. she's still on and off on a "1/2 nap" in the late afternoon and this afternoon, she wanted one. so she took a little cat nap in stella's bed while we ate pizza & caprisun.

we love the kampens.

i met lindsay through a mutual friend at a play date when b. was 4 or 5 months old. i was in a bad place. she wasn't. and she ended up being a great friend to me.

and not to mention, jeremy {the other half of the kampen family}, ended up being a great friend of the hubby's too.

so - with all of this goodbye stuff that i am SO not good at {i didn't even officially say goodbye to them... it was always "we'll see you again before you leave..."} i thought it only appropriate to list a few things that i learned from my dear friend lindsay.

1. honor GOD in all things you do and the choices you make.

2. speak your mind.

3. laugh at the tough things. {especially the tough things that have kiddos involved}.

4. love your husband first. {and she definitely taught me what it looks like to submit with a good attitude}.

5. don't be afraid to be vulnerable. it's how we learn from each other.

lindsay is one of my sweet friends that asks the hard questions when i complain about a circumstance in my life. oh, she will listen. intently. and sweetly. and then she'll just as intently & sweetly ask "so... what are you going to do about it?" {maybe not in so many words, but you get my drift, right?}

she never lets you just complain. never. that's one of the things i loved the very most about her. she is a GREAT friend. 

lindsay. i love you dearly. i am blessed beyond measure that the lord chose to bring you into my life when HE did. you are going to be such a treasure to those WEIRD people in austin. {we love austin - i am not being mean... promise! just making a joke!} we are praying for you & jeremy {as well as the kids} as you make this transition. may GOD continue to bless you & your sweet family as you settle in & search for a church home. you can do it! we. love. you. 

happy friday, all. but especially to the kampens.

1 comment:

Kampen Family said...

That was such a sweet post! Thank you, Becky!! We miss you guys!!!