Thursday, June 30, 2011

project life: the wedding edition.

well, it's thursday folks, and here - that usually means a project life post!


i need to first, apologize for the glare on these pictures.

i took them in natural light {outside} in the shade, but the glare was awful. and i didn't feel like moving again - or waiting - so we'll just deal with it. but i have to confess that i am disappointed in them. not that it even matters.

this HAS to be one of my favorite weeks ever.

since i had a million pictures, this week, admitedly, took me a little longer than normal since i wanted to incorporate them all in one way or another.

i even slid one of my favorites onto the next week. {hah!} remember - there ARE . NO. RULES!

the very best way to fit in a ton of pictures are these baseball card holders.

you can find them in the collector's card aisle {usually at the front - both at target & walmart} and they're about 5 dollars for 25 of them.

even after that, i had more pictures to include... and ones that couldn't exactly be cropped. so i just added another insert. with some journaling.

the glare is horrible on this page. ugh!!

again, for me, i LOVE journaling on a scrap of paper & stapling it right to the pic. it works for me.

find what works for you!

if you're new here {welcome!} project life is a product created by becky higgins. 

if you want to get started and aren't sure how, click here.

feel free to ask questions!! i would love to help!

and ladies that i know have their supplies - you know who you are - where are those pictures?!?


Allie said...

How often do you print pictures to do this? Do you print at home or in store? I found your blog from Katy Link's. I love this Project Life. They aren't selling kits anymore so I'm waiting for the new launch. :)

Jen said...

are you talking about me again? supplies and pictures are sitting on my dresser....BUT I have been drowning in my chaotic life for the past 3 weeks --- I sure hope there is an end to this madness b/c I really want time to sit down and do this :( makes me sad...

and send me a fb message --- i ordered 4x6 from applestore and I'm dreading cutting the photos down to fit -- i have a mac and couldn't get wolf to work for the upload :( do you know something I don't???