Tuesday, June 14, 2011

mrs. cockerham. part one.

well, folks. 

we had a blur of a weekend {as you can tell, since it IS tuesday and i'm JUST posting about this weekend.}

but, nonetheless....

my little sister got married!!!!

since i took a milliion bajillion pictures {what else do you expect?} i thought i'd split it up in two parts for your reading pleasure. {be prepared though, my white balance was off on my camera for a lot of these. boo.}

first. the rehearsal.

jeff talking to the bug about his "duties". 

the bride. taking the process very seriously.

the groom. laughing at something. probably an innapropriate joke by his groomsmen? anyone identify? nope?  just me? k. 

the minister. dub. oliver.
love him.

he meant so much to jeff & i at baylor. 

and when katie got there, she worked for him for four years. 

so it was only fitting for dub to do the ceremony. he & suzy came in from east texas. so sweet.

my little man. 

such a cutie. and such. a. flirt.
all of the bridesmaids wanted to take him home. 

and he ate. it. up.


me & t's twin brother. {can you see the resemblence?}

the bridesmaids. wham. bam. {except for katie m. we  love you anyway!!!!}

my dad can be so awkward in situations like this. 
i think dixie was telling him to settle down.

vicki {t's mom} had a goody bag for the bug at the rehearsal dinner. {at lonesome dove in ft. worth. YUMMM.}
he loved it all!

 megaw & big daddy {my momma's parents} loving on miss charlotte.

the happy couples. {hehehe}.

**sidenote. my hubby was a-mazing this weekend. he took 100% care of the littles so that i could be 100% {okay 99%} present for my sister. and get this... it was his BIRTHDAY!! can you believe it? happy birthday, hubby! i know my words don't do it justice - but thank YOU for who you are and who you encourage me to be!!!**

roasting & toasting {below}. 

stay tuned tomorrow for pictures of the dress. {i mean, i know that's what you're ALL waiting for, right?!}

1 comment:

The Links said...

OH my goodness Brady looked so cute in his handsome clothes. Such a big boy!!