Thursday, June 23, 2011

project life. that's better.

ahhhh....... that's better.

{the pictures - i mean.}

MUCH better than my iPhone version.

i loved how this week turned out. 
i don't necessarily have a reason - i just like how all of the pieces and parts came together as a whole.

it seems kinda simple to me, for some reason.
really easy - going & relaxed. 

i love jotting little notes down & stapling them on the picture. 

it's the best - fastest - and most accurate way to journal for me. 

{as you can tell - my thoughts tend to be scattered & so does my journaling...}

i realized when i put this together, i didn't get any pictures of jeff & i's big night out. {boo!}
it's one of the rare times that i'm showered, spit - up & baby food-free, i have make up on and i'm not in work out shorts. why even get all dolled up if no one's going to see it?

well - i guess my hubby did - which is the ONLY one who counts... right?!

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