Wednesday, June 29, 2011

riley + brady.

we met riley in our class @ clc this year.

brady came home everyday saying that he played with "wiley".

finally, about two months in, i realized he was saying "riley".

then, i kept my momma eye out for her. 

and noticed how cute she was. and how cute her momma was.

and so i did what any momma would do. i started chatting her up. asking her about riley's adorable clothes, her GREAT bows, etc. etc.

and i think it was at some class party that we really started talking about getting the kiddos together because apparently - riley talked about brady too! {yay!}

earlier this year, we finally went to lunch and we instantly became friends. we had to. we were in the same stage of life & are going in the same direction - as i like to say.

and, a funny thing happened while we were chatting.

amanda seemed to have lived everywhere. just like i had. and when she mentioned she lived in maryland for several years, i asked where.

to make a long story even longer - we went to the same elementary school in a little town outside of baltimore. we had the same fifth grade teacher - at slightly different times! i have never ever met anyone who has even heard of where i lived in maryland. and here she was from exactly the same place!

and then - we figured out our brothers were around the same age. turns out, they were in the same class! {at the same time!} more than that, my brother & her brother played soccer together while we lived there!

small. world.

all of that to say, that we've become special friends with amanda & riley. we don't get to see each other near enough, but we welcome any opportunity to get to play.

and saturday was that time.

amanda's brother {riley's uncle kenny} was playing soccer here in town and we got to go, with the mccords, of course.

riley is so. cute. in her portland jersey.
{look at her stacked bob. i love it!}

she ate her pizza with us before the game started & then they went to go sit with their family.

i cannot believe how much they look like big kids in these pictures. b's arm around riley - holding his ticket in his hand. {he was showing it to her.}

it reminds me of that song we sang in brownies.

make new friends. but ke-eeep the old. one is silver & the other gold.

we are so blessed by our friends. new & old.

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