Tuesday, June 07, 2011


saturday was a busy & fun day for us.

well, actually, it probably started with friday.

friday was our anniversary. 

6 years. 

it was definitely something to celebrate.

so we did.

we went on a normal, bonafide date!!

josephine's for dinner.
and a movie after.

what movie? bridesmaids. 
and although i could do without one or two of the crude scenes and some of the language, it was hy.ster.i.cal. like, for real. at three different times i had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. {and that got jeff laughing. as if he wasn't laughing already, but won't admit it...}

so. j's parents kept the littles for us on friday night. such a treat.

in other words, i started my saturday by picking up the bug & lil' miss bright & early to head out for a special treat.

daddy's softball tournament.

the bug was so. excited. i had donuts & chocolate milk waiting for him in the car. it was about an hour drive, but totally worth it.

b. ran the bases with j a few times in between games. i didn't get any pics of that though because i was too busy holding lil' miss who should have been sleeping but was too hot.

they got knocked out pretty quickly thank you, lord, and we went to eat lunch with some of j's coworkers and then trucked it home for a long & late nap.

for all of us.

then..... as soon as we woke up, we ate a quick dinner/snack and headed to the soccer game.

we heart soccer games.

they are super family friendly. and close. have fireworks. popcorn. friends. and, of course, soccer. 

i'm convinced that b would love any professional sporting event at this point. 

yay for us - a sports loving family.

what did you do on saturday?
any good ideas for cheap, cool {degrees-wise} family fun?

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