Wednesday, June 15, 2011

mrs. cockerham. part two.

so. here it is.

the wedding day!!

i spent the night in a hotel room with bride on friday night. i took TWO tylenol pm at midnight, thinking we were going to be sleeping in in the morning.


the bride-to-be woke up bright & early {despite the wine & tyelnol} and i was SO out of it.

6:30 a.m. to be exact.

i was still in my tylenol p.m. haze when she started moving around, but i immediately shot up "are you ok? is everything alright? what's going on?"

of course... it was nothing. she just was excited.

as it should be. as i was on my wedding day.

so. we played on our phones. got starbucks. she took me and a few girls to see their new house. {SO cute, by the way.}

then. it was finally time to get started.

we got dressed and carpooled over to only the BEST mexican food restaurant known to man for brunch.

joe t. garcia's.

dixie had a few games for us to play, of course.

love. her.

it helped pass the time.

the bridesmaids made katie a book of the engagement, our friendships, etc. we gave it to her at brunch. {pictures to come later}. it was pretty much a copy of this. {sorry, girls. i wasn't too original!!}

then we went to aveda to get our hair did.


we still had an hour or so before we needed to be at the church.

the day was NOT going fast!!! i thought we'd be in a rush to get everywhere. but we never were!!!

in fact, we played hang man at the church while we waited.

katie had the BEST wedding photographers. they were a married couple. cute & young. i want to be friends with them. and i cannot WAIT for the pictures to come out! they're going to be awesome.

katie looked beautiful. i've never seen her happier.

my dad cried. it was sweet. {although, i don't remember him crying at MY wedding?! ha. i guess it wasn't as sad to give ME away?!}

jeff & i drove the newlweds to the reception.

at the petroleum club. newly renovated, i might add.

do you notice the shininess of our faces?

really? it's because the a/c was broken.


my mom said she got a refund check from them today. without even asking.

it was H.O.T. in there.

{and i'm not talking about the good kind!}

 i gave a speech. i can't remember AT ALL what i said.

but b. kept wanting to come out there with me and dance. :) even though there was no music on.

my mom danced. and danced. and danced. i think i almost wet my pants i was laughing so hard. i was shocked!

and then we did wham bam.

i told jeff that it may have been the highlight of my night.

no. joke.

jeff & i took the newleds back to their house for the night. before they flew to napa for their honeymoon on sunday. we wished them luck. {i think katie was extremely red, but it was too dark to see!}

we couldn't be happier for them.
aunt katie & uncle trent - we love you & can't wait for you to start making those babies!!!!!!

1 comment:

Melanee said...

i knew before you even said it that you were talking about joe t.'s. love that place. i had my rehearsal dinner there.
your sister looked beautiful and i loved her dress.