Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Game Night at Sandra's

This weekend, Jeff took a much-needed break from studying to go to a game night with some of my "ex" co-workers. We had so much fun and actually stayed out way past our bed time - 12:30! We haven't stayed out that late since we were in college! 

We played a game called Backseat Drawing. Mom, you would LOVE it. Unfortunately, I am SERIOUSLY competetive and we did not win at this game. The idea is that you have to direct the 'chosen' person for that round how to draw something. For example, if I was the 'artist' for our team, Jeff (if he was on my team, which he wasn't) would have the answer and have to direct me how to draw a bicycle or something like that. And then everyone else on my team, and myself, would have to guess what it is before the other team does. (That's the rules in a nutshell). Well... get this. Becky, Jamie and I (all of us have an 'artistic background) were on a team with Sandra's husband, Kevin who is an engineer. In other words, we all knew how to build things and draw things. The other team was made up of Isaac, Becky's husband, Jeff, and Sandra. We thought for sure we'd win because Isaac and Jeff couldn't get through a paint by number correctly! Well, we were wrong. We got creamed!!!! 

Anyway, check out the game. It's fun, just don't play with me or you'll get yelled at when you don't draw something right. 

Here are some pics we took with our point-and-shoot camera. For some reason some of them are super blurry. 

I have no idea why Shasta's eyes look like an alien's. 

Jeff is wearing Cocoa's Doggles!

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