Friday, January 16, 2009

George is Moving to Town!

There has been ALL of this 'hooplah' in the media lately about George and Laura's new house in Dallas and all the security and stuff that has to come with it. There was even a news feed yesterday that said they were going to have to gate their street and the Bushes were going to pay for it, of course. So, on my way home from picking up Brady yesterday, I decided to see where this new house was going to be, and what all the fuss was about.

I looked the street up on my phone and drove on out there. It wasn't very far at all, actually... it's just on an unsuspecting cul de sac and I have to tell you that it was already packed with cars. There were lots of construction workers running around, I'm assuming because they're technically going to be 'moving' next week... but there were also a lot of cars, just like mine, driving around and taking pictures of the President's new home. There were even signs that said 'no parking' all down the street.

After I took a picture (lovely, I know) I felt all giddy inside, like i had just experienced something magical. I kept thinking to myself, "It's just his house! What's the big deal?" but when I drove by... it was a big deal. I felt nothing short of sheer patriotism. I've felt the same way only on two other occasions throughout my life. Once, when I voted this year, and once when I met George W. himself. (If you want to skip this part, go right ahead... but I am going to unashamedly 'show off' for a second, here so bear with me).

George has a special place in my heart for a number of reasons. One, the 2000 election was the first election I ever voted in. Two, he was the Texas govenor, so automatically we have a connection, right? Three, his ranch was in Crawford and he would fly into Waco every now and then while we were there.... and all of the BU students felt so cool being so close to the action. Four, he is a born-again christian who is unapologetic for his faith. And lastly, my hubby "worked for him" for a summer in the white house. (I can feel Jeff jumping through his computer when he reads this and trying to grab my neck for writing that).

Let me back up... maybe saying he worked for the president for one summer is stretching it... he was a white house intern. (Yup, just like Monica Lewinsky). He technically worked for the harrowed Karl Rove. In fact, Jeff and I got engaged in D.C. when he was interviewing for the position. He absolutely loved it, I mean who wouldn't? You don't get paid and you work close to 80 hours a week for the whole summer.... but, you're at the WHITE HOUSE! I visited him twice the summer that he was up there, and the first time I visited, I got to go to the White House Lawn for a Marine I landing. We weren't even sure if George would greet anyone.... sometimes he waves and then goes on into the house. But we got lucky. He came by and shook every single person's hand. (I think they allow 50 visitors + media in for each landing). I actually had a conversation with the man about Baylor and Crawford. I 'introduced' Jeff to him as the Student Body President of Baylor... which I think he was extremely impressed by, if I do say so myself. He was so lovely... he really was. In fact, he went further down the line after meeting us and met a doctor from Waco.... came back to us and told Jeff that he needed to go meet this other man from Waco! I felt so patriotic. Yes, I even shed a few tears when the helicopter was landing, but luckily pulled myself together by the time he came around to talk with us. To put it simply, I was just awestruck.

Anyway... so THAT is why I'm so excited that George and Laura (and Barney and Mrs. Beasley) are moving to town. I can't help but wonder what it would be like to go to Mi Cocina and George and Laura (along with 6 secret service agents) are chowing down at the table next to you. Or what about going to that Whole Foods Market right there (Monica - you might bump into them) and seeing George and Laura deciding on which tomatoes to buy. I hope people will treat them well.... whether or not they agree with him, I pray that they feel welcome in the Big D.


Amber said...

im so out of it. that is awesome!!

Abby said...

Question for you: I am thinking about making my blog private. I have family members that read it though and don't have a gmail email address. Can it be any email address or does it have to be gmail? You can either comment back on my blog or email me at

And...I cracked up about Brady eating the dog's food. That is Madyson's new favorite room in our house. She sees the door open to their "room" and she goes straight for it. She loves to play in their water.