Friday, January 02, 2009


I was reading my new Parents magazine last night (thanks, Joanna!) and I came across this article entitled "I Heart Your Husband". It is written by a single mom - a mom who, it sounds like, chose to have a baby on her own - and she talks about how her married friends will call and complain about their husbands to her when she would give ANYTHING for a helping hand. It struck a cord with me ladies - because I think I complain (in my head or under my breath) a lot. 

(For example, yesterday, I wanted to get out and get some exercise and Brady was in his jumper and Jeff was watching T.V. I kept making snide comments like, "So, should I expect to see him in the same place when I get back?" and stuff like that. Shouldn't I be grateful that he cares to watch him at all???)

Anyway - here are the reminders that she gives on why you (we) should really appreciate your (our) husbands.

1. He lets you have a chance to sleep. 
2. He sets up the baby gear.
3. He helps things run smoothly (like changing the air filters, mowing the grass, etc). 
4. He gives great back rubs. (My man's been doing this a LOT lately!)
5. He's crazy about your kid. (How many of us can disagree with this one)?

Click Here to see the entire article. It's really worth the read - and put it all in perspective for me.

And for those of you who care - no, Brady wasn't in the same place when I got back. 

1 comment:

jmc said...

I totally agree with you! I just began reading the article and it really made me thankful for Justin!