Thursday, January 01, 2009


This post is SO not original, I know... but Jeff and I were talking about it last night and I wanted to share. 

This week I made a long list of resolutions I wanted to keep.... of course they included things like sitting down to dinner NOT in front of the T.V. more than once a week, consistently taking a jog, being a better wife and mom and so on. (My favorite one was recycling and I even got my bin delivered on our front porch this week!) But when I looked over my list yesterday I was thinking that it all boils down to one thing:

Enjoying every single day for what it is and not getting so caught up in what tomorrow may or may not bring that I miss the treasures in the present moment.

Do I sound like a Hallmark Card yet? 

I just feel that for us, this year has a whole lot of things for us to look forward to... and Jeff and I are both beyond excited. However, looking back on my life, I've realized that so often I was so ready for the next thing or event that I missed out on enjoying the present. Brady is at such a fun age and I don't want to have any regrets about not loving each day to it's fullest! 

In the spirit of the New Year - Here are some pictures of how we spent our New Year's Eve. The Bug was not feeling well so Jeff and I had to ring in the official New Year here at home and we heard fireworks outside for what seemed like an hour but we couldn't see anything, darn!

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