I promise this is the last Cabo post. I have so many other pictures that I took before and since our trip that I need to get updated too... hopefully that will be my afternoon activity (if I can put my book down!)
These are pictures of our last night in Cabo. We had already been to the restaurants that were recommended to us and we were kind of looking for a low-key dinner, but we needed to do a little shopping for the Bambino first. I had seen a 'mall' one night on the way back to our hotel, so we told the taxi cab driver to drop us off there... having really no idea what to expect.
Well, yes, it was a mall - but once we walked through it, we hit the marina! It was awesome! There were all sorts of restaurants in the 'harbor'... everything from Ruth's Chris to local pubs. We settled on this little restaurant that had a good menu with 'reasonable' prices. Boy, was it yummy!! We had gotten over the sunburn by now, and had really settled into 'Vacation-Mode' as we like to call it, so we enjoyed a two-hour dinner... visiting with the people sitting next to us, the waiters and the passers-by. Jeff got the itch for a boat, of course... and I sweetly told him that we might want to work on getting a house first! (In all fairness, they WERE beautiful boats).
We got a massive pepper with our chips and salsa and I dared Jeff to eat it. He didn't even hesitate and took a big bite. Let's just say he guzzled water for the rest of the night.
If you know me at all, you were probably aware of my quest for a Celebrity while in Cabo. I have to report that the closest we came was sitting next to a man on the plane that had all the characteristics of a big-time football player. Characteristics you may ask? Well, in our minds, to qualify for a FB player, you must be fairly large, have dark sunglasses on, a big sparkly ring and.... how do I say this in a PC way..... most of the time you have to be part of a non-caucasian race. (How was that?) Well... this man seemed to be by himself, and he did have a huge ring on his finger. Jeff kept trying to read what it said... and he finally figured out it was from UT. I kept telling him to ask him what the ring was for... "Start up a conversation!" I told him... but to no avail. Finally, when we were deboarding the plane, I couldn't stand it anymore (I mean, I was thinking we could be sitting next to Marion Barber and just not know it because we wouldn't recognize him up close) so I asked him what his ring was for. He was so nice, and it turned out he was a coach for UT during the national championship. (Not as fancy as I would have liked, but, you have to admit it's pretty cool). I don't remember his name, but Jeff probably does.
Anyway, all that to say.... we kept seeing this humongous houses on the cliffs and I was convinced we should take a taxi up there and go on a celebrity home tour. No such luck. The waiters just kept telling us 'American Movie Stars' live up there... and I believe it. I made Jeff take a picture of them so I could show you the closest I came to a celebrity sighting. No such luck being in US Weekly, I guess.
We had an amazing trip... yes, Cabo was so nice and we'd definitely go back, but mainly because it was just some Mommy and Daddy time. I don't think we'd laughed together like that since we first started dating... just at the silliest things, like the people doing water aerobics in the pool. I literally think I started crying I was laughing so hard and J.'s impersonation. We're looking forward to many more mommy and daddy getaways soon. Thank you, J. I love you... and am so grateful that after 10 years and a new addition you're still my very best friend. I miss you now that you're at work!
Oh, and we can't forget the little Bambino! He was certainly spoiled with both the grandparents while we were away, but seemed pretty excited to see us, nonetheless. He did receive a sombrero and two maracas which are suprisingly still in tact. We've had to work on getting him back in the groove of things the past few days... but we're getting there. More updates on B. to come!
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