Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cabo San Lucas - Part Uno.

I decided this morning to just do this thing in parts. I'm not ever going to have time (or make time) to sit down and do it all in one sitting, so I'm just going to take it as it comes. I'm post the first two or so days of our Mommy and Daddy Vacation. Whew... it was so much fun. I was almost giddy leading up to it. J. and I have been planning this thing for FOUR years... and it more than lived up to our expecations. We looked at this as a 'second honeymoon'... a post-law-school-post-baby-post-passing-the-Bar-moon. Ha. Try to explain that one in spanish.

We had planned on going to Gloria's on Thursday night after we dropped the Bug and Georgia off, but we didn't have any power due to the horrendous storms that came through. I had just had swim lessons with B. but we decided to go anyway. (It's really fun trying to put make-up on and attempting to make your half-way dried chlorine-hair look decent in the dark). We had a great time, and all the while we were hoping we'd get home to a freshly-powered house. We hoped wrong. Jeff hadn't even begun packing, it was 9:45 and we had no power. Nobody around us had power.... we lit the candles we could find and tried to pack, but to no avail. Jeff set his alarm on his phone for 4:30, just in case the power didn't come on before then so he would get up and pack anyway. (Did I mention we had things in the dryer that weren't all the way dry that we needed to take?)

The power came on around 2 a.m. We got up, finished packing and then went back to sleep around 3. Our alarm went off at 5. Ugh. Rough start. Got to the airport at 6:30, and it was CRAZY. Sooo many people there early on Friday a.m. We made it though.

We flew threw Houston and then onto Cabo. It's totally different than the 'other side' of Mexico that I've been to. It's total desert on one side of the road, and then on the other side it's lush palm trees and tropical plants. It was amazing. We felt like we were really in Mexico... like Nacho Libre Mexico. (They LOVE Nacho Libre, by the way).

We got there and got settled into our Jacuzzi Suite. Yup... J. sprung for the best room in the place. (Thank you, sweetie). And we immediately decided it was well worth the upgrade. We had our own private ocean-front jacuzzi on our terrace. (Pictures will come later... I guess I didn't take those until a few days into it). We explored the hotel and then ate a late lunch and sat by the pool. We CRASHED around 5:30, and with all hopes of going out for dinner that night, we didn't wake up until 9:45... ordered room service and back to bed for us.


Making dinner reservations. Most strenuous daily activity.
Seriously. It involved a lot of stairs from our room to the lobby.

One side of the resort.

The pool was AWESOME. Two pools - an activity pool and then a 'quiet' pool. Needless to say, we hung out on the quiet side. I read 3 books and listened to John Mayer and Kelly Clarkson on my iPod. Heaven. The food was great... J. and I had both done South Beach before we left and we gained at least half of the weight we lost back on the trip. Hey, that's what it's for, right? Nachos, pizza, french toast, umbrella drinks, pasta, soft-serve ice cream.... yuuuummmmmyy.


Hesitant to post this pic... oh well.

The first night out, we went to the much-recommended "Office". It was right on the beach, literally, our feet were in the sand. The food was awesome, and they had live music. Much like the music at Sambuca. Very refreshing and relaxing. More tomorrow.

By Saturday night, the waves were HUGE. They canceled a lot of the activities (or at least moved them down the beach where the 'swells' weren't as big.

Hotel Lobby before dinner.
(Beware there will be lots of this same pic, just different outfits!)

By the Office.

In front of the Office.

Homemade tortillas. Yummmm.


Olson Family said...

Lookin hot sister!!! You did AWESOME with the South Beach were so faithful and it paid off!!! Can't wait to hear more about the mini vaca!

The Holmans said...

You look BEAUTIFUL Becky!! We are going to Cabo in Sept- so it is really fun to see all the pics and get excited! Looks like yall had a blast on mommy-daddy vaca!

jmc said...

the pics so far are great! it looks beautiful. i am so glad that you and jeff had such a wonderful time together!