Friday, June 05, 2009

Update on "A Good Read"

Okay, so boy did ya'll ever come through on my request for some good beach reads. I got so many suggestions! Since I'm not allowed to take any book that would require notes in the margin of my thoughts, underlining or big stars out to the side, I needed some easy page turners! Well... much to my surprise (or should I say dismay?) MANY of you suggested the Twilight series.

Let me back up here. I think Vampires are weird. I think people who are into Vampires are weird. I never liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I hate Charmed and think all things 'Sci Fi' are crazy. Needless to say, I've been avoiding this series like the Plague. Everyone kept saying, "no, Becky, it's not like that..." My sister even chimmed in and said, "Oh, it's such a beautiful love story... it's not 'vampire-ish' at all! You'll love it."

At some point during the responses, I decided it was time to make a choice. I went to B&N yesterday and got three books: A Mary Higgins Clark book (I LOVED these in H.S.); a Nora Roberts romance novel (don't judge me... I LOVE her movies on Lifetime); and... you guessed it Twilight.

I picked it up last night and began to read... I was just going to see if it was even worth taking on my trip. After the fifth chapter last night (and sixth this morning), why am I in love with a Vampire???? Are you kidding me? I told Jeff last night that I have no idea what my fascination is with him. I hate even saying vampire. It's creepy... yet I can NOT put the book down. I totally plan on having to pick up the next two before we even leave for vacation!!!

Thanks for the suggestions!!!! (Read the comments if you want others!!)

Oh, and Jennifer Moreman, I definitely have Summer at Tiffany and will be taking that with me as well... it's been on my 'To Read' list!!


Stephanie said...

yay becky! i KNEW you would like Twilight! I just knew it! It is totally butterflies in the stomach style reading...ahh...the romance of it all...

enjoy your vacation!!!

love, stephanie

Karen said...

I totally had the same reaction you did when I started reading them. Also, I am a horriably slow reader and I finished all 4 books in 3 weeks (so good luck getting other things done!) Enjoy! :)

Kampen Family said...

YES!!!! The Twilight Saga is AMAZING!!!!! I read all of the books in 2-3 weeks. You will love them! Forget the other books you bought and buy New Moon, the 2nd book in the series. I promise you will fly through these and become obssessed. It's fun to be a teeny bopper again:)

Brooks Family said...

LOVED the Twilight series and was a little depressed when it ended. You will be addicted:-)

Jenny M said...

Hooray! And, if I had known you had not read Twilight yet, that would have been my first suggestion! I think the pages of the Twilight books might be laced with an addictive substance! Love them!