I've really been having writer's block lately when it comes to blogging. I don't like to blog unless I have something to say... some sort of purpose in writing. Even last week when I was writing about our 9 month birthday, I was struggling to even think of things to write. Yet, I wanted to write it out as a sort of record for Jeff and I as we look back on Brady's early childhood!
But today I forced myself to take some random pictures of Brady as he was all dressed up to go to the Gloria! concert at our church. He was super cute, don't you think?? (I'm not biased at all, of course!) The concert was at 2, so we skipped church this morning, in hopes that he would do better with a good nap. When we went and picked him up from the nursery after the two and a half hour concert, they told us that he slept for about an hour!! Yay! He NEVER sleeps in the nursery. They only had two kiddos in there though, so that could have had something to do with it.
After we took our 'posed' pics, I took some pictures of him attempting to crawl. He gets kind of frustrated and just ends up going backward. (Most of the pics turned out horrible, but I included the one with his eyes closed because I thought it was super sweet.) The crawling thing is something I'm totally struggling with as a mommy. Isn't that awful? I was talking to Stephanie Gross recently about how as much as I enjoy reading their blog, I had to stop for a while. Her son (also a Braden), is about a week or so older than Brady (super cute too, I might add)... and he's crawling all over the place and is pulling up and all of that sort of thing. All I can think is that I'm doing something wrong... although I know that is Satan whispering in my ear and not the Lord. My doctor told me that I would drive myself crazy in comparing children... and it's so true. You can't do it. (Ok, I can't do it... and it's so hard to not over think absolutely every single thing you do as a parent!) It's not just with the crawling thing... it's with the talking thing, the sleeping thing, the eating thing and probably some time soon the reading thing. It could go on and on and on and on, right? God, being the good God that He is, has totally convicted me of this in my life recently. He has really been revealing to me I'm buying into some of Satan's lies... in more than one area of my life, too! Does anyone else struggle with this? Every child develops in his own time... or is it in His on time? :) I think it is.
Anyway... so back to Brady. He definitely is a mover and a shaker. He loves to move around, he just has no desire to go forward! If he's standing, he wants to be sitting. If he's sitting, he wants to be rolling, if he's rolling, he wants to be sitting... and so on. He's only still ONE time in the day. Baby Einstein time. We watch the VERY same thing every afternoon, around 6 when he starts to get super fussy!! He watches the entire thing!! Seriously. He gets mesmerized. I love how curious he is... and sometimes I've even caught him chuckling to himself... which is even more funny because it literally is the very same video almost every single day!
Okay, so here are the pictures. Our new camera is out of batteries, so I used our old point and shoot camera so some of the colors are way off... hence some of the black and white pictures!
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