Today marks Brady's 7-Month Birthday! We're already on the downhill side of a year! I can't believe it. If you would have told me (like so many people did) that it goes by fast 6 months ago, I would not have believed you. I would have looked at you like you were crazy and responded with... "Are you kidding? We're counting the days until a full night's sleep, and a smile, and play time!"
But now, 5 or so months have gone by with the majority of nights being full of sleep. We've started solid foods. We eat puffs, sweet potatoes, avocados and we're working on the green beans. We play outside. We splash in the bath tub. We watch Sesame Street and we say DaDa. This 'fall' has gone by incredibly fast and this will be the first time I have said this, but this is SUCH a fun age. Every day we have a new sound that we make. Sometimes we think he sounds like that Velocoraptor from Jurassic Park. He laughs at the weirdest things and I think he understands 'no'. I think he knows his name and he recognizes Elmo's voice. We love Veggie Tales Songs and Praise Baby Music. We like Dora and Diego and we like to dance and sing songs on the front porch. We still have no teeth yet, and we have days that I am praying they will break through at any moment. Brady LOVES his daddy and gets all wiggly and giggly when he comes home from work. He LOVES his bed. He's pretty good in the car... and he misses Georgia when she's not in the mood to play.
He follows her (with his eyes and his head) all day long. If he is in his exersaucer and I'm throwing the toy for Georgia, he will make a full 360 to keep his eyes on her when she runs back and forth. He reaches for her, kicks her and pulls her hair and she puts up with all of it... looking at me all the while with the silent words, "Help, Mommy." I love that dog, even though she may not feel it as much she did before B. came.
We do NOT crawl and we do NOT have an interest in crawling, although I make sure to have 'tummy time' every play time just to give him a chance. He doesn't move forward, instead he moves in a 360. Somehow, he manages to kick his legs and move his arms that makes him move in a circle, but not forward. He'll occasionally push himself backward. When he tries to pull his knees up under him, he face plants into the ground. He just can't do both at the same time!! I love to watch him try to figure it out... he gets so frustrated. He's just like his daddy in that way. I love that.
Today I took the Bug to White Rock to take some pictures. It's such a pretty day outside. Cool, but not cold, with a brilliantly clear sky. Brady loved being outside so he didn't mind. I'm trying to learn how to use my camera better and how to edit better, and the pictures I've taken inside just simply aren't as good as the ones you can take outside. So... there are a lot of pictures, but I wanted to post them all for the grandparents.
1 comment:
These are amazing! You're amazing!
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