Today was such a wonderful Thanksgiving for us! We decided a while ago that we really wanted to go to the Thanksgiving Day game at Texas Stadium, but we were never really sure we could do it. Then we decided one day that we were just going to go ahead and buy the tickets and I would cook our very own Thanksgiving dinner here... and we were going to take Brady with us!
So I got up at 5:30 to put my turkey in the oven. I didn't sleep well the night before because I kept thinking I wouldn't wake up for some reason. It took me a while to figure it all out and I had to run it under cold water for a bit to get the giblets and stuff out, but then I tried to go back to sleep... which is totally weird when the oven is on!
When we got up for 'real', I made sausage and cream cheese croissant rolls (Joanna's sister's recipe!) and they were delicious! That was a mistake though, because then we didn't eat near as much as we thought we would for lunch!! I spent all morning getting ready for lunch (that was supposed to be at 11!) and it is a lot more stressful than I ever thought it would be! I am so thankful that it was just us the first time I tried it! I admire all of our grandmothers for making Thanksgiving dinners for so long (and for so many people!)
Our menu was turkey, apple & date stuffing (which was my very favorite dish), green bean casserole, golden potato mash (which wasn't very good) and cranberry sauce. Yum. Yum. Oh, and of course, my Chocolate Cream Pie that was SCRUMPTIOUS! We're still enjoying that one!
After lunch, Jeff cleaned up while I laid on the couch and played with the B. Man. We put him down for a SHORT nap so we could get ready for the big game. I have to share that when Jeff went into Brady's room during his morning nap, he was NEVER asleep. He was just laying there in his bed wide awake. Then he never went to sleep for his afternoon nap, even in the car on the way to the game! So we were starting to get worried about how he would do. We kept a deal between us that we would have no expectations on how long we get to stay for the game, but I promised myself I was going to try not to get worked up about leaving, etc.
It worked out so well because we were in the end zone in the upper section and our seats were on the end right by an exit. So we had a definite exit strategy if it were time to rush out and leave. But don't you worry that Texas Stadium is the greatest place to take a baby because no one every notices if there is a little whining here and there! The only thing is keeping his pacifier off the ground! Gross!!
We left right after the Jonas Brothers performed and I'm so glad we did because it started to rain right when we got in our car! It was such a wonderful memory that we made and Brady could not have been more perfect! He did great... only a tad bit of fussing here and there but that's it. He was the hit of our section! Everyone would holler and call him "Little Romo"... Of course that made his momma so proud!!
your meal looked amazing!!! it looks like y'all had a great day! such cute pictures!
I'm so impressed/jealous of your WONDERFUL thanksgiving!!!! Could not have been a more perfect day... I'm going to have to get some giblet tips from you when I first have to cook a turkey. Is it weird getting all that stuff from the inside of an uncooked turkey? I'm so impressed!
Your Thanksgiving meal looked great!! I am so impressed with all your cooking/baking these days! I need to follow your lead.
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